A form of manipulation, where the application of force is of a high velocity - low amplitude thrust. This type of manipulation can be likened to quickly pulling an apple off of a branch to obtain the specific apple, as opposed to pulling the apple slowly and obtaining multiple apples.

When discussing the spinal column, this refers to the region of the neck.

Doctor trained in the science, art and philosophy of manipulation (adjustment) of the human body. Chiropractic evaluation and treatment is directed at evaluating the cause of the problem through structural analysis of the musculo-skeletal systems of the body. Abnormal function of these systems can lead to abnormal function of the body's nervous system, which in turn may effect function of other systems in the body. Treatment is then rendered with the goal of restoring normal function via manipulating (adjusting) areas exhibiting abnormal structure.

Chiropractic Subluxation Complex
An extension of Joint Dysfunction. At this point, symptoms arise which are no longer simply musculo-skeletal. Now, through faulty transmission of information through the nervous system, various organs (heart, liver, stomach, etc.) may malfunction.

When the joints of the body wear out, it is referred to as osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease.

Condition of the intervertebral disc, whereby some of the material which makes up the disc shifts to a position which irritates the nearby nerve for that spinal area.

Intervertebral disc
This is the soft tissue found between the bones of the spinal column, (i.e., the vertebrae). They help cushion the spine from everyday stress (i.e., running, walking, jumping, etc.). Through improper posture (i.e., bending forward at the waist and twisting), discs can wear out (degenerate). This can lead to the condition known commonly as a "slipped disc", or a disc herniation.

When discussing the spinal column, this refers to the region of the low back.

This is a form of manual therapy where an application of forces to structures such as muscles, joints and bones is presented, where the goal is the restoration of normal joint motion and the elimination of pain secondary to disturbed biomechanics.

Also known as degenerative joint disease. A form of arthritis in which wear and tear occurs at the joint. A common form of arthritis, especially in older people.

The amount of movement which occurs at a particular joint or region of the body, such as the lumbar spine. In the spinal column, there are six (6) different movements which may occur. These include flexion (bending forward), extension (bending backward), rotation (twisting right and left) and lateral flexion (bending to each side, right and left).

A condition in which the sciatic nerve is impaired. A bundle, or cable, of small nerves travels down the spine and into the pelvis area, where they come together to form the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve then branches off into each lower extremity, through the buttock and into the tops of the legs. People who have sciatica often complain of numbness or tingling in the feet or toes, or sharp, stabbing pains in the buttocks or shooting down the backs of their legs.